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From Data to Action: Improving Your Campus Through Reporting

Wellness Reporting

In a society that values health and wellbeing more than ever, colleges and universities bear a significant responsibility to ensure the wellness of their students. One crucial component of this endeavor is the monitoring and reporting of services provided by these institutions. In this article, we delve deep into how to report on wellness services utilization.

Specifically, we will be discussing the impacts reporting can have on:

  • Student health clinics
  • Counseling centers
  • Immunization compliance management

The crux of any meaningful report is objective and accurate data. The utility of data in reporting cannot be overstated, as it forms the basis of the most insightful analyses and strategic decisions. The data sets visualized through reporting can offer holistic insights into health and counseling utilization patterns among students and can highlight specific groups of students, programs, or clinics that may need extra attention.

An effective EHR can interpret these data sets and unmask correlations and trends that might not be clear at first glance, thereby enabling colleges to make data-driven decisions to improve overall wellness strategy and the student experience.

Identifying Trends to Address Evolving Counseling Needs

Challenges such as academic stress, social anxiety, and depression call for effective counseling centers on campuses. Reporting on wellness service utilization can significantly improve the impact of counseling centers.

In addition to health screenings, counseling services data can provide valuable information on the mental health needs of students. By analyzing the number of counseling sessions conducted, the reasons for seeking counseling, and the outcomes of these sessions, colleges can better understand the mental health challenges faced by their students.

Reports can also highlight appointment wait times and session lengths. This data can then be used to allocate resources effectively, such as hiring more counselors or implementing outreach events. Lastly, real-time reports can flag any sudden increases in counseling needs, enabling swift institutional responses to pressing student needs.

With the increasing prevalence of mental health issues among students, it’s crucial for colleges and universities to closely monitor the demand for and usage of these services. By examining the trends in mental health service utilization, institutions can decide if their current resources are sufficient to meet the growing needs of their students. It’s imperative that colleges use reporting to address these critical issues.

The Transformative Role of Reporting in College Health Centers

College health centers are the first line of defense when it comes to student health issues. Therefore, making the health center as effective as possible should top the priority list of college leaders.

Detailed reports can reveal the number of students seeking medical care, the types of health concerns addressed, and the outcomes of these consultations, providing valuable insights.

Reports can also help figure out if there are any potential outbreak scenarios occurring on campus. By analyzing this data, colleges can track common health issues among students, such as respiratory infections or stress-related conditions, and develop proactive strategies to promote health and wellbeing. This can include initiatives like educational workshops, campus-wide health campaigns, or specialized clinics to address growing student health needs.

Moreover, the analysis of trends in wellness services utilization should not be limited to the student population alone. It is equally important to examine the utilization patterns among faculty and staff members if they have access to health services on your campus. By understanding the needs of the entire campus community, schools can tailor their services to meet these diverse needs.

In addition, it’s important to analyze utilization trends related to preventative health services. By examining trends in preventive healthcare, institutions can determine if their efforts to promote and provide a preventive approach to care are effective.

How Reports Help Paint a Picture of Immunization Compliance

Vaccination is a potent weapon in a college’s healthcare arsenal. Ensuring immunization compliance among students is necessary not just for individual health, but for community wellbeing. Advanced immunization reports can track vaccination rates and reveal trends in immunization compliance.

Moreover, immunization data is vital for preventing outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases and ensuring the health and safety of students, staff, and faculty. By identifying any gaps in immunization coverage, colleges can implement targeted vaccination campaigns to increase compliance and protect against potential health risks. Therefore, through effective reporting and analysis, colleges can aspire to achieve better immunization compliance and foster a healthier campus community.

Identifying Opportunities for Improvement in Wellness Services Utilization

Reports do more than just highlight the utilization of your wellness offerings; they also pave the way for necessary improvements. By identifying underutilized resources or services that fail to meet students’ needs, institutions can take proactive steps to improve campus-wide wellness.

These changes can involve better allocation of resources, increased awareness campaigns for lesser-used services, or a complete overhaul of certain wellness programs. Also, student feedback can be an incredible tool for helping campus leaders understand why certain services aren’t being used.

Key Takeaways

By leveraging this rich data and effectively visualizing and interpreting it, colleges can gain a comprehensive understanding of the impacts (and/or shortcomings) of their wellness offerings. This information empowers colleges, including clinic leaders, to make data-driven decisions that are tailored to the unique needs of their student population.

By addressing underutilized or ineffective wellness initiatives, colleges can optimize the allocation of resources and improve the overall quality of care and student experience. Ultimately, advanced reporting on the utilization of wellness services is a powerful tool that enables colleges to create healthier and more supportive environments for their students.

Ready to see the impacts that reporting can make on your campus? Connect with a member of our team.

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Navigating New Beginnings: Fostering First-Year Success through Wellness

Navigating New Beginnings

Fostering First-Year Success through Wellness

Student Wellness

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, the transition to college life can be an overwhelming experience for many first-year students. With new responsibilities, academic challenges, and social pressures, it’s crucial for colleges to provide support systems that help students navigate and succeed. This blog explores various strategies that college leaders can employ to support first-year students through a wellness lens.

Continue reading to learn how your campus can foster a positive experience for first-year students and increase retention rates.

Promoting Wellness and Self-Care for First-Year Students

The transition to college life can often be overwhelming and stressful for first-year students. To support their overall well-being, colleges can promote holistic wellness and self-care practices. This can include offering workshops on stress management, mindfulness, and healthy coping mechanisms.

Colleges can also promote the existence of wellness centers or counseling services that provide confidential support to students. These centers can offer individual counseling sessions, group therapy, and wellness programs such as meditation or yoga classes. Colleges that promote mental health services and well-being can help first-year students navigate the challenges they may face and develop resilience.

Making Students Aware of the Health Center

Amid the lectures, assignments, and extracurricular activities, students may not be aware of all their campus resources. Arguably, one of the most critical resources for students is the health center. Student health centers are not just about treating illnesses; they foster a culture of self-care, resilience, and support. For many first-year students, this is their first time making healthcare appointments for themselves without their parents. On top of this being a new experience, this can be an intimidating time, so colleges should focus on making the health center well-known and approachable. After all, a healthy student is an empowered learner.

Increasing Counseling Center Awareness

College life can be challenging, and it’s essential for students to have access to mental health support. Colleges should prioritize the availability and accessibility of counseling services. They can achieve this by promoting the counseling center’s services through emails, campus-wide announcements, and during orientation programs. Additionally, colleges can provide training sessions to faculty and staff on how to recognize and support students who may be experiencing mental health issues. By normalizing, seeking help, and providing adequate support, colleges can ensure that first-year students receive the necessary care when needed.

Bringing Awareness to Available Resources

Colleges have a plethora of resources that can aid first-year students in their academic and personal journeys. These resources can include libraries, academic writing centers, research facilities, and career development offices. They can even include resources like group exercise classes, outdoor-focused clubs, and nutritionists. However, it is essential for colleges to regularly promote and make students aware of these resources.

Many college leaders know that just announcing a resource one time at one event is simply not enough. Reinforcing the availability of these resources by talking about them through various mediums, multiple times can really help to drive adoption.

Colleges should organize information sessions or workshops that highlight the various resources available on campus. They can also create online platforms or portals where students can access information, tutorials, and additional support. By effectively utilizing and promoting these resources, colleges can ensure that first-year students have the necessary tools and support to excel in their college education.

College is not just about academics; it is also a time for personal growth and exploration. To foster a sense of community and provide opportunities for social and colleges can organize various events and activities.

These can include cultural festivals, club fairs, student-led discussions, and guest lectures. By encouraging students to participate in extracurricular activities, colleges can help them develop new interests, expand their social circles, and build lifelong friendships. Additionally, colleges can support student organizations and clubs that provide platforms for students to pursue their passions and explore their identities.

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, the transition to college life can be a significant challenge for first-year students. However, with the right support systems in place, colleges can facilitate a smoother and more successful transition by engaging in the following:

  • Creating a supportive environment
  • Introducing students to wellness and self-care practices
  • Promoting campus resources
  • Offering social and cultural engagement opportunities
  • Prioritizing access to both health and counseling services

By offering an easy way to schedule mental health appointments and promote events happening on campus, Medicat’s EHR can help foster a smooth transition to college life for first-year students. Connect with a member of our team to learn more.

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Mental Health Support Proven to Improve Student Retention 

Mental health is becoming an increasingly prevalent issue among college students. The stress and pressure of academic demands, social expectations, and the transition to adulthood can take a toll on young adults, often leading to mental health concerns.

With retention top of mind for many institutions, let’s explore the importance of mental health services in supporting students throughout their educational journey. Additionally, we’ll delve into how colleges can provide support specifically targeted towards first-year students.

Impacts On School Performance

Student retention, defined as the ability of a student to persist and complete their educational goals, is a critical aspect of how colleges and universities gauge success. However, mental health challenges can harm a student’s ability to stay enrolled and excel academically. The link between mental health and student retention has been extensively studied, and the findings are alarming.

The 2022 Annual CCMH Report found that first-year students with a history of mental health challenges and high levels of academic distress were more likely to drop out. However, the report also highlights that once students begin to experience improvements in their mental health, they were 51% less likely to withdraw from college. This emphasizes the significant impact that counseling support can have on retention rates.

Reduced academic performance, lack of motivation, and limited social support systems are contributing factors to college students either dropping out or taking longer to complete their degrees. Furthermore, untreated mental health conditions can lead to a decline in overall well-being, making it even more challenging for students to stay engaged and focused on their studies.

Along with academic challenges, reduced motivation is another common consequence of mental health issues that can hinder student retention. Mental health conditions often sap individuals of their drive, zest, and enthusiasm. Students who are struggling with their mental well-being may find it hard to muster the motivation to attend classes, participate in extracurricular activities, or engage in academic pursuits. This lack of motivation can create a vicious cycle, as the less involved a student becomes, the more isolated and disengaged they may feel from their educational journey.

Untreated mental health conditions can have far-reaching consequences beyond academic performance. The decline in overall well-being caused by these conditions can further hinder student retention. Mental health issues can affect various aspects of a student’s life, including their physical health, relationships, and ability to engage in self-care. When faced with the daily challenges of managing their mental health, students may find it difficult to prioritize their education and allocate the necessary time and energy to succeed academically.

Addressing First-Year Students’ Mental Health

The transition into college can be particularly challenging for first-year students. They’re often away from home for the first time, navigating a new environment, and building new social relationships. To support students during this critical period, colleges should consider the following:

  1. Implement orientation programs that address mental health and provide information on available support services.
  2. Assign peer mentors to first-year students to help them navigate the college experience and offer guidance on mental health resources.
  3. Organize social events and activities that promote a sense of belonging and foster connections among students.
  4. Create online platforms where students can seek advice and support from their peers or professionals.
  5. Regularly communicate through newsletters or emails, sharing information on mental health resources and self-care practices.

The Role of College Counseling Centers

Recognizing the detrimental impact of mental health issues on student retention, colleges, and universities are increasingly prioritizing mental health services. Providing accessible and comprehensive counseling services can significantly improve the retention rates of students with mental health concerns. By offering therapy, support groups, and resources, colleges can help students develop effective coping mechanisms that enable them to navigate the challenges of college life.

In addition to counseling services, colleges have also invested in mental health awareness campaigns and education programs. These initiatives help reduce mental health stigma, encouraging students to seek help and support without fear of judgment. Normalizing conversations about mental health is essential in fostering a campus culture that values and prioritizes the well-being of its students.

Key Takeaways

The impact of mental health on academic performance and overall well-being is significant, making it imperative for colleges to prioritize student mental health. By providing accessible mental health services, promoting mental health awareness, and implementing strategies tailored to first-year students, colleges can support students in their journey toward achieving academic success while maintaining their mental well-being.

With Medicat’s Counseling EHR, your clinic will be able to securely communicate with students, promote outreach events, and report on the impact you’re having across campus. Learn more today.

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Your Top Counseling EHR Questions Answered

How is patient privacy ensured? How does Medicat differ from its competitors? What about integrations with your health clinic?

These are all questions we’re happy to answer for you! We understand that switching to a new EHR is not easy, so we want to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed and confident decision. Continue reading to view answers to our most common questions regarding Medicat’s Counseling EHR Solution.

  • 1. How quickly can we implement Medicat’s counseling solution?

    Implementation can take as little as one month. Medicat provides implementation “boot camps” to rapidly configure the solution to your needs and train your team. Timelines can vary depending on your organization’s unique requirements (e.g., historical record import, 3rd party system interfaces, etc.).

  • 2. How much does the Medicat Counseling solution cost?

    Price depends on several factors including the number of people in your clinic and your workflow. Please contact our team to learn more.

  • 3. Is Medicat’s counseling solution cloud-based?

    Yes. Medicat’s counseling solution is easily accessed via any web browser (e.g., Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc.). The benefits of being cloud-based and web-based include better data protection, increased flexibility and scalability, and greater integration abilities.

  • 4. How is Medicat’s counseling solution different than Titanium?

    There are many differences between Medicat and Titanium. Most notably, Medicat’s Counseling solution is entirely web-based and hosted on servers that Medicat maintains with 99.99% uptime.

    Titanium, on the other hand, is installed locally at your institution (i.e., it is “on-premise” software), requiring your IT team to provision infrastructure to support the tool and any required integrations.

    For a more comprehensive comparison between Medicat and Titanium, please contact our team.

  • 5. Does Medicat support Single Sign-On (SSO)?

    Medicat supports the SAML protocol, which enables a number of SSO solutions such as Azure and Shibboleth.

  • 6. Does Medicat support integrated clinics?

    Medicat provides software tailored to the unique requirements of both health and counseling clinics AND enables integrated clinics to share patient information where appropriate.  The platform’s robust permission features ensure that every system user only has access to the data you want them to have access to.

    Alternatively, if your college prefers to run the health and counseling clinics separately, all patient records can be kept separate.

  • 7. Can I use Medicat to manage my counseling trainees?

    Yes, The Medicat counseling solution has a dedicated supervision module to make trainee management apinless.

    Many clinics employ interns that require training, documentation management, hours tracking, note review and feedback, etc. The Medicat Counseling Supervision Module minimizes the burden of managing counseling trainees with smart, purpose-built features that fit seamlessly with the rest of your clinic’s workflow.

  • 8. How does Medicat ensure client data is secure?

    Medicat’s systems and processes are designed to be consistent with HIPAA guidelines as well as the Service Organization Control Type 2 (SOC 2) framework, a cybersecurity compliance framework developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

    In addition to managing system performance and security day to day, Medicat performs SOC 2 audits on an annual basis. Learn more about Medicat’s industry-leading security. 

  • 9. My counseling center is a member of CCMH – does Medicat contribute to and pull data from the Standardized Data Set (SDS)?

    Absolutely! Medicat is an “Authorized CCAPS Distributor,” so our EHR will be able to help with streamlining data collection.

Wondering how you can take your counseling center to the next level? Medicat’s Counseling solution is the future of mental health clinic management. When creating our product, we collaborated with mental health leaders from dozens of universities to ensure our solution would meet our customers’ needs.

Picture this: a paper-free counseling center with an exceptional student experience, robust documentation options, effortless practice management, and an efficient way to supervise trainees. This can all be possible with Medicat’s Counseling EHR.

Have other questions that weren’t answered here? Reach out to our team today!

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Medicat Expands Mental Health Solution to Support Major League Baseball

Mental Health in Major League Baseball

Medicat, the #1 provider of electronic health records software in college health, is thrilled to announce its expansion into supporting the mental health of professional sports teams. Medicat has partnered with a major league baseball team to provide comprehensive EHR software to securely manage the team’s mental health initiatives. Services are accessible to major league players, minor league players, and team staff.

Openly discussing mental health has not always been the norm in professional sports. However, in the early 2000s, mental health took center stage in the MLB when multiple players placed themselves on the “disability list” due to mental health challenges. This growing trend ignited a reckoning within the league and ultimately led many teams to enhance their mental health offerings for athletes.

As a trusted provider of EHR solutions for educational institutions, Medicat brings a wealth of expertise in supporting mental health and well-beingBy expanding its solutions to professional sports, Medicat aims to address the growing challenges faced by athletes at the highest level of competition.

“Today’s announcement marks an exciting milestone for Medicat as we venture into the professional sports market,” said Adam Cole, Medicat’s CEO. “By integrating evidence-based practices and collaborating with mental health professionals, we’re helping athletes thrive. This solution will have a significant impact on the performance and well-being of professional athletes.”

Key benefits include customizable notes and treatment plans, as well as secure patient communications. Ultimately, the solution empowers teams to proactively manage mental health to support athlete wellbeing.

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Safeguarding Student Privacy: How Electronic Health Records (EHRs) Bolster Security

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have brought about a revolutionary transformation in the management of patient data within healthcare facilities. Not only do they provide a centralized platform for storing and accessing medical information, but they also offer a myriad of security features to safeguard sensitive data. In educational settings, EHRs play a crucial role in ensuring student privacy amidst growing concerns about data breaches and cyber threats. This article will delve into the intricacies of EHR security and explore how colleges can establish a secure environment for student health data.

Exploring the Security Features of EHRs

    1. Encryption

    One of the key advantages of EHRs is their advanced security infrastructure. These systems employ various measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. Encryption, for instance, ensures that data is encoded and can only be deciphered by authorized personnel. This encryption process involves converting the original data into a cipher text, making it virtually impossible for hackers or unauthorized individuals to access and understand the information. This advanced level of data protection ensures that students’ records remain confidential and secure.

    2. Access Controls

    In addition to encryption, EHRs also implement access controls such as passwords and user authentication mechanisms. These measures add an extra layer of protection, limiting data access to authorized individuals only. Passwords are typically required to be complex, with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. This ensures that only authorized personnel with the correct credentials can access the system and view patient records. User authentication mechanisms, such as biometric identification or two-factor authentication, further enhance the security of EHRs by requiring additional verification steps to confirm the identity of the user.

    3. Role-Based Access Control

    Moreover, EHRs also employ role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure that users are granted access only to the information necessary for their roles. RBAC provides a granular level of control, allowing administrators to define specific permissions and restrictions for each user. This ensures that sensitive patient data is only accessible to healthcare professionals who require it for providing appropriate care. This can be especially important when managing the data shared between health and counseling clinics on campus. By implementing RBAC, EHRs minimize the risk of unauthorized access and inadvertent disclosure of sensitive information.

Mitigating Security Risks in EHRs

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have revolutionized the healthcare industry by providing a secure and efficient way to store and access patient information. However, like any digital system, EHRs are not immune to vulnerabilities. It is essential for colleges and universities to take proactive measures to regularly assess and mitigate potential security risks to student data.

    1. Vulnerability Assessments

    One of the key steps in mitigating security risks in EHRs is conducting vulnerability assessments and penetration testing. These tests involve simulating real-world attacks to identify any weaknesses in the system. By proactively identifying vulnerabilities, healthcare organizations can take appropriate measures to address them before they are exploited by malicious actors.

    2. Keeping Software Updated

    In addition to vulnerability assessments, keeping EHR systems up to date with the latest security patches and software updates is crucial. Software vendors regularly release updates that include security fixes for known vulnerabilities. By promptly applying these updates, healthcare organizations can ensure that their EHR systems are equipped with the necessary defenses against emerging threats.

    3. Employee Training & Awareness Programs

    Regular staff training and awareness programs are also essential in mitigating security risks in EHRs. Health and counseling clinics should educate their staff about best practices for data security, such as the importance of not sharing passwords, recognizing phishing attempts, and reporting any suspicious activities. By fostering a culture of security awareness, colleges and universities can empower their employees to be vigilant and proactive in protecting student information. While EHRs provide enhanced security features, it is crucial for healthcare organizations to regularly assess and mitigate potential security risks.

Leveraging EHRs to Enhance Security Audits

  • EHRs can serve as a valuable tool in conducting security audits. By providing a centralized database of user activity and changes made to patient records, institutions can easily generate comprehensive audit reports. These reports can be used to identify any patterns of non-compliance, unauthorized access attempts, or potential breaches. This allows organizations to take proactive measures to rectify any issues and strengthen their security protocols.

The Role of HIPAA Compliance in EHRs

  • Adhering to the regulations set forth by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is crucial for maintaining the security and privacy of student health data. Take your students’ privacy a step further and go 100% paperless. EHRs should be designed and configured to comply with HIPAA standards, ensuring that data is stored and transmitted securely.comprehensive audit reports.

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, EHRs offer a multitude of security features that can help educational institutions ensure student privacy and protect sensitive health data. By exploring and utilizing these features, establishing a secure environment, and adhering to HIPAA compliance, institutions can mitigate the risks associated with data breaches and cyber threats. Embracing EHRs not only streamlines healthcare operations but also enhances the security and privacy of student health information.

Is your health clinic or counseling center in need of a secure EHR designed to prioritize student privacy? Schedule a demo with our team today!

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The Inside Scoop on EHRs From a Former Nurse

Interview with CJ Pellegrino, Customer Success Manager at Medicat and Former Nurse

When in the market for a new EHR solution, it’s important to ensure that the system you’re choosing is user-friendly and in the best interest of your staff members who will be using the software day in and day out. What better way to find out what features of an EHR are most helpful for nurses than asking a former nurse themself? One of our Customer Success Managers, CJ Pellegrino, is a former nurse. They sat down with us to spill the inside scoop on their previous roles and experience with EHRs in the Q&A below.

CJ’s experience includes working as an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) nurse, working in the home hospice care setting, and working at a family practice where their role was focused on practice management and billing. CJ worked with EHRs for many years and provides helpful insights that can be utilized to evaluate an EHR solution. Here’s what they had to say:

1. What kind of EHR did you use in your previous roles?

What features did you use most frequently? I used several EHRs during my tenure as a nurse. The features I found to be most important and relevant to my position included those that supported documentation, medication management, and scheduling.

2. How often did you use the EHR?

I would interact with the EHR daily. During my time as an IDD nurse, I would use the software during the middle of my shift and at the end of the day. As a hospice nurse, I would use the EHR after each client visit for documentation. Then as a clinical admin, I used the EHR each day to help manage the operations of the clinic.

3. Was the software easy to learn? Was robust training offered?

There was no official training provided by the EHR provider itself, or the companies I worked at. My coworkers taught me how to use the software, so my experience with those EHRs was limited to what they showed me. I wanted to further my knowledge of the products, but it was extremely difficult to find what I was looking for. I did come across training videos on the EHR’s website, but the videos were prerecorded and consisted of minimal information. There was no Help Center, live training, or opportunities. Most of the information I found on their website was geared towards administrative setup, rather than best practices for optimizing workflow as a healthcare provider.

4. Do you think using an EHR made your job easier or more difficult?

Using an EHR is definitely more convenient compared to traditional paper-based methods. The ability to enter information electronically is a time-saver, and there is much less risk of information being lost, unorganized, or entered incorrectly.  However, without proper training, there can be a steep learning curve. I think if there was proper training in place for using the EHR, I may have had a better experience.

5. What are the top three pain points for nurses that you think a good EHR can solve? 

  • Templatizing Documentation: If an EHR has the ability to create templates and standard notes, this is a HUGE time-saver when it comes to complex documentation. Documentation is a big part of a nurse’s job, and templates in a good EHR can make the process painless and more efficient.
  • The Ability to Interface: Having all features and integrations streamlined is crucial for keeping things running smoothly. Opening several programs to properly document patients wastes a lot of time, which means less time to focus on quality patient care. A good EHR should have the ability to execute most, if not all, tasks in one program. For example, easily verifying immunizations and lab results within the EHR can be super helpful.
  • Ensuring Safety for Patients: Most importantly, a good EHR should promote patient safety. EHRs should offer ongoing training and support so staff and providers are able to use the software properly. It’s easy for patient information to become lost or disorganized if all members using the system are not properly trained on how to use the EHR, which threatens patient safety.

6. What are the best features of Medicat’s EHR that you think would benefit nurses the most?

Templates and the Template Transaction Linker are extremely useful and help save a ton of time! Note Favorites are also super helpful to standardize common note types. Plus, using the patient portal to its full capability is also very important. In my previous life as a nurse, we never utilized the patient portal, and I now understand how helpful it would have been if we did. This emphasizes the importance of what proper support and training could have done for me and my coworkers.

Key Takeaways:

EHRs play a significant role in the workflow of your clinic. When staff members (especially nurses) are working with an EHR they find it user-friendly and streamlined, they’re able to work much more efficiently. More patients can be seen, time will be saved, and care quality will significantly improve.

At Medicat, we’re committed to providing you with top-of-the-line support. We have a team dedicated to assisting you with any questions that may arise while using the EHR. Our team also offers regular training sessions and webinars, so you’re never left in the dark.

    What else can EHRs do for your campus clinic? Check out one of our other articles, Five Challenges Solved by EHRs, to learn more.

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    Unlocking the Power of EHRs: Enhancing Student Education and Empowerment

    Powerful EHR at your fingertips

    Electronic health records (EHRs) are essential for keeping health and counseling clinics organized and for promoting efficiency among providers and staff members. Patient Portals in particular are a key tool to help enhance the student experience. At first thought, many may think that EHRs solely enhance clinical workflow and efficiency, but an exceptional EHR system can benefit both providers and their patients.

    The EHR you choose plays an important role in patients’ overall experience and satisfaction when visiting a healthcare clinic or counseling center. even states that “patients are more likely to play a better role in managing their health when they are better educated, have access to important resources, and are given a convenient way to book appointments and see their doctor.” This emphasizes the impact that EHRs can make in enhancing patient care and promoting patient education.


    EHRs can help promote patient education by giving patients the freedom to easily access their health information and any associated educational resources online. When patients have virtual access to this information, it’s much more convenient for them to engage with their health anytime, anywhere.  Of course, information is given to patients during their appointment verbally, but many times, patients may not remember everything that was said to them during the appointment, or they may want to share the information with others. This allows patients to thoroughly review the information, and make sure they didn’t miss anything during the appointment. The goal here is to ensure that students feel empowered to engage in their own health, which can help reduce anxiety levels, increase adherence to medication, improve relationships with providers, and improve health outcomes.

    Secure Messaging

    Using your EHR system, you likely have the option to securely message students to further boost patient education. With secure messaging, patients and providers are able to communicate with each other in a safe, confidential manner. According to, The HIPAA Journal, secure messaging has been shown to “accelerate clinical workflows and help accelerate patient throughput, reduce the potential for medical errors, increase patient satisfaction, improve clinical outcomes, and significantly reduce costs while ensuring compliance with HIPAA.”

    Rather than playing phone tag or having to wait until their next appointment, with secure messaging, patients can communicate with the clinic staff and ask questions as they arise. This significantly increases patient satisfaction, as patients get their questions answered much more quickly and responses are tailored to them and their health history, as opposed to doing a quick online search to find an answer. Patients may even feel more comfortable disclosing information via a secure messaging portal rather than face-to-face with their provider, resulting in more thorough patient care. Patients may also choose to provide health information to their providers through secure messaging. For example, students may be able to take their own blood pressure or glucose level readings, so that their provider can easily provide additional care.

    Digital Documents and Resources

    Providers are also able to attach or upload digital documents into their EHR system for patients to view. Following an appointment, providers can attach any relevant educational documents and discharge paperwork. This will help give patients more detailed information on what was discussed during the appointment and gives patients the autonomy to do their own further research. Digital paperwork can also result in a less cluttered workspace and reduces the amount of time staff has to spend on printing, organizing, and filling out paperwork.

    Optimizing Outreach Events

    Along with informational resources and medical documents, clinic staff may also want to promote upcoming events. For instance, student health centers may want to promote their upcoming flu clinic, and counseling centers may want to notify students of a meditation workshop during finals week. This helps students take advantage of the programming clinics work so hard to organize.  The options for boosting patient education with an EHR system are endless.

    Key Takeaways

    EHRs do more than just help with clinic productivity and efficiency, they also help promote patient education. An effective EHR system allows patients to easily access their health records, communicate with clinic staff, receive valuable resources, and attend helpful events. Rather than having to worry about patients forgetting what was stated during an appointment, EHRs can do all the work for clinic staff while also giving patients the tools they need to further their knowledge to reach their health and wellness goals.

    Curious about the impact an EHR can have on your campus? Check out how Abilene Christian University improved the student experience using automated messages, simple check-in forms, and text reminders.

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    Preventing Burnout & Promoting Provider Well-Being

    Healthcare Provider Burnout
    The Campus Healthcare Provider Burnout Struggle is Real.

    Healthcare providers play a vital role in keeping the world running. Because of the strenuous and demanding nature of their careers, they are especially susceptible to becoming overwhelmed. In the college and university setting especially, this fatigue can even teeter on the edge of burnout. Even the National Library of Medicine mentions that burnout in the healthcare setting can leave a detrimental impact on providers, patients, and the institution itself. Taking the right measures to ensure your staff’s well-being can help offset these risks.

    burnout chart

    There are several strategies that clinics can implement to prevent and combat provider and staff burnout:

    Foster Positive Work Environments

    Healthcare providers thrive in environments that support ethical and meaningful practice. Creating a more favorable healthcare work environment can be achieved by maintaining a clean and orderly office, promoting efficient communication among employees, and expressing gratitude towards staff members.

    Keeping an organized office helps providers with doing their jobs more efficiently. If things are in their respective places, providers know exactly where to go to access what they’re looking for. This is not just for physical items; this also pertains to an organized computer system and intuitive EHR software. Keeping a clean and tidy workplace is extremely beneficial for mental health. Working in a cluttered space, whether physical or digital, may contribute to increased anxiety and stress levels which can significantly increase burnout.

    Another way that healthcare facilities can promote a positive work environment is by promoting effective employee communication. Effective communication plays a crucial role in helping keep a clinic running smoothly, whether it pertains to appointments, patient information, prescriptions, or other aspects of workflow.

    Furthermore, employees feel much more valued when they are regularly acknowledged for their efforts. Ensuring that employees feel appreciated can lead to heightened productivity, stronger team culture, and enhanced workplace satisfaction. By providing reassurance and positive reinforcement to providers, leaders can significantly enhance the overall staff experience.

    Offer Technological Solutions

    Inadequate technological solutions in the workplace can contribute to provider burnout. If your clinic doesn’t utilize efficient technological solutions for everyday tasks such as appointment management and updating patients’ records, this will negatively affect productivity and workflow. Providers may be spending unnecessary time on tasks that could be done much more quickly with proper software in place. Investing in an EHR system can help improve office productivity and reduce frustration.

    An EHR system can substantially increase staff productivity by streamlining administrative tasks. Rather than having multiple programs or paper methods, keeping patient information in a centralized software system can help with organization and security. Moreover, providers will have an easier time charting and updating patient information. Plus, front office staff will benefit from streamlined scheduling and check-in tools.

    Because clinical staff can be more efficient when they have access to intuitive and effective tools, this will make it easier for clinics to keep up with the increased demand for services. Providers will also be able to focus more of their attention on actual patient care, rather than having to worry about documenting visits on paper, making sure their notes are accurate, and ensuring that the information is legible. Imagine the time saved if providers could swiftly input information with just a click of a button and a few keyboard strokes.

    Offer Options for Flexible Work Environments

    Offering flexible work environments can also prevent provider burnout. For instance, allowing staff to work remotely at times and take telehealth appointments can result in providers feeling more in control of their environment and schedule. Another way to promote a flexible work environment is to leverage per diem staff members who can help as needed. Some providers may find that they are more productive and less stressed when they have flexible schedule options and are confident that someone will be able to step in when necessary.

    Offering alternate shift lengths can also prevent provider burnout. Having a strict, lengthy schedule can lead to providers feeling worn out and may result in decreased work motivation and satisfaction. Offering providers to have a say in their schedules can be extremely beneficial to their well-being. For instance, according to an article published by the National Library of Medicine, 8-hour shifts are preferred over 10 and 12-hour shifts. Many times, healthcare providers are working longer than 8-hour shifts, so it is crucial to have enough staff available when necessary.

    Caring for those providing care is crucial. Provider burnout can result in several adverse effects, including fewer patients being seen, reduced quality of care, and high rates of turnover, all of which are costly for your clinic in different ways. Fostering a positive work environment, offering technological solutions, and offering flexible work options can help alleviate the challenges associated with provider burnout.

    Ready to invest in tools that can reduce frustration and burnout for your staff? Discover more about our solutions here.

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    EHR Implementation Q&A

    Switching to a new EHR system may seem daunting. At Medicat, we strive to make the process as smooth as possible. One of the ways we do this is with our thorough implementation process. This blog contains information that will help give you better insight into our implementation process, and how you can prepare for a successful launch with Medicat.

    Our Implementation Team will walk you through setting up your software and demonstrate how to use it. The following questions are answered by one of our Customer Onboarding Specialists, Katie Gray, who provides specific information on how the implementation process works while offering recommendations and strategies to maximize the benefits of implementation.

    • Q1. Why is implementation so important?

      We want to provide our clients with the best outcome during their transition to Medicat. Because we’re able to tailor the software to our clients’ needs, our Implementation Specialists collaborate very closely with our clients to personalize the implementation process to meet shared goals and timelines. We aim to demonstrate how to use the many tools available through our software so that our clients feel empowered to use the platform once they’ve officially “gone live.”

    • Q2. What does the implementation process generally look like?

      Each implementation is tailored to the unique needs of the clients we’re working with. However, here’s a taste of what the implementation process generally looks like:

      1. After a client has signed their contract, they are assigned to work with an Implementation Specialist.
      2. A kick-off call is scheduled to bring key client stakeholders, the Implementation Specialist, and the Sales Executive together to discuss what implementation will look like.
      3. During the kick-off call, the Implementation Specialist will help the client set goals and agree on expectations for the process. Some clients may come in with a “launch day” in mind, which we try our hardest to accommodate. We also have the option to launch certain parts of the EHR software for clients who would prefer to take a more gradual approach to implementation.
      4. Next, the Implementation Specialist will dive into the initial setup. This includes setting up the database, adding the client’s custom branding to their new Patient Portal, organizing requirements for the demographic import file, setting up single sign-on, and creating the first user’s credentials and profile within the software. 

      From this point on, Medicat follows a standard Implementation Plan that we adjust to our client’s unique needs. After the kick-off call, there are typically 1-hour calls scheduled weekly between the Implementation Specialist and the client. In the first implementation call, we determine who will be involved in the implementation process, and a go-live date will be established based on the timeline that was discussed on the kick-off call.

    • Q3. How long does implementation take on average?

      Implementation can take as little as one month. Medicat provides implementation “bootcamps” to rapidly configure the solution to your needs and train your team. Timelines can vary depending on your organization’s unique requirements (e.g., historical record import, 3rd party system interfaces, etc.).

    • Q4. Should your IT Department be involved with implementation?

      Yes, after assessing the clinic’s needs and requirements, we then establish the key contacts from your IT Department and make introductions. We always encourage the key IT person professional who supports the clinic to be at least involved in the demographic file and single sign-on authentication setup process. Sometimes, we work with IT to plan the software installation and configuration process, as well. Finally, we work through any potential roadblocks to data migration.

    • Q5. What do you consider to be most important when it comes to change management? How about end-user adoption of the EHR?

      What’s most important when it comes to change management is ensuring that the client understands that Medicat is here for them. We want to help our clients meet their clinic’s goals and ensure a seamless transition.

      In addition to the implementation process, we have a dedicated team of Customer Support Specialists available to troubleshoot with clients as needed. Medicat also offers a robust online Help Center with a wide range of information that covers many common questions, details on product updates, video tutorials, and more. We never want a client to walk away from implementation feeling like they are on their own; they will always have ongoing support beyond the implementation phase.

    • Q6. Are there other trainings or resources available during the implementation process?

      Depending on the products purchased, clients may have the opportunity to participate in “boot camps” conducted by Medicat, where they can gain a deeper understanding of how to utilize the software. These boot camps involve a collaborative process, allowing clients to exchange ideas and support one another as they go through implementation together.

    • Q7. What key factors make an implementation successful?

      There are several factors that significantly contribute to a successful implementation:

      1. Quickly and clearly identify someone on the client’s team who acts as the “Super User” for their clinic. That way, we can work with this individual one-on-one using a sort of “train the trainer” model.
      2. It’s key that both the client and the Implementation Specialist enter this process with the goal of creating a true partnership. It’s super helpful when the client is comfortable providing us with feedback, is thoroughly engaged, and asks questions to aid their learning.
      3. Selecting a core group of staff and providers to go through implementation always streamlines the process. This allows us to be efficient with our weekly meetings. Of course, we can adjust certain weekly training to include a larger group of staff members, but having a core group to champion the transition and dive deep into the product tends to make all the difference.
    • Q8. Are there better times than others to plan to go through the Implementation Process?

      We’ve noticed schools tend to maximize the benefits of implementation when they start in the middle of the fall semester, or at the beginning of the spring semester. This timing is usually when the staff is regularly available and keeps the information fresh.

      It’s common for a school to want to kick off the implementation process at the beginning of the summer, but with vacation scheduling, logistics can be tough. Plus, staff and providers are not able to test their knowledge in the clinical environment until late August or early September, which makes it hard to truly integrate the product learnings into their daily practices.

    In Conclusion

    With a thirty-year track record, Medicat has established itself as the foremost provider of software solutions for college health, serving more colleges and universities than all other EHR vendors combined. To optimize the transition to Medicat’s software, careful planning, effective communication, and comprehensive training of key clinic personnel are essential for maximizing the software’s potential and ensuring the best user (and student) experience. Through it all, we want you to know that we are here to support you and your team.

    Allow Medicat’s EHR software to function as a valuable tool for your clinic to improve patient care and administrative efficiency. Reach out today to learn more about our implementation process.

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