University of Florida
Optimizing Student Compliance
The University of Florida’s Health Compliance Office was drowning in insurance waiver and immunization records to review manually. They either needed to hire more staff to manage the workload or find another solution. Medicat’s Compliance Solutions allowed Florida to manage these records with ease and efficiency, reducing staff burnout, increasing productivity, and improving the student experience.
SchoolUniversity of Florida
Number of Students63,000
Medicat ImplementationMay 2022
Solutions RequiredImmunization EHR & Insurance Management
LocationGainesville, FL
The Problem
“The biggest challenge we faced was a lack of automation. We were using our own insurance waiver verification system, but we experienced consistent outages that slowed down the verification process even more! Verification of insurance waivers was taking up to a week, which was just no longer tenable.
Plus, students were emailing us, sometimes every day, asking about their immunization compliance status. We couldn’t keep up with manually verifying immunization records and responding to students and parents. It was particularly bad right around immunization and registration deadlines, when students were scrambling to ensure they were compliant.”
~ Jennifer Kieslich, Health Compliance Manager at the UF Health Compliance Office
The Solution
Implementing Medicat allowed Florida to streamline insurance waiver and immunization record upload and processing, both from the student and staff perspective.
Students can now log on to view their insurance waiver and immunization compliance status at any time, instead of calling and emailing the Health Compliance Office. Plus, Jennifer has been able to update settings and upload directions on the Student Portal to continuously improve the insurance waiver and immunization record upload process.
Additionally, the system now integrates directly with Florida Shots to import thousands of in-state students’ immunization records, saving precious time and resources.
Finally, staff can view real-time eligibility of insurance waiver requests, vastly reducing the need for manual verification by staff.
The Result
Leveraging the Florida Shots interface and Medicat’s automated screening tools has vastly increased the team’s productivity.
In fact, the number of immunization records that need to be manually reviewed has decreased by nearly 75%!
Additionally, staff completed 8,200 insurance verifications during Summer 2022. Of those, only one third required manual intervention from staff. Staff previously had to manually review every waiver that did not pass batch verification the first time.
Florida also enabled automatic renewal for many insurance policies, so students and staff no longer need to reupload and rereview insurance information year after year – a win across the board.
This increased efficiency allows staff to spend more time focusing on students who may be struggling with submitting their information or getting verified, improving the student experience.
“Streamlining the immunization record and insurance upload process has made a world of difference for our campus. I love how students can go to a single portal, upload their information, and track their compliance status in real time. We’ve gotten way fewer panicked calls from students and parents, which has greatly reduced my staff’s workload and stress levels.”
~ Jennifer Kieslich, Health Compliance Manager at the UF Health Compliance Office